Source code for

"""Download and read data from RTE Eco2Mix.

DEPRECATED do not use anymore.

import os
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
import requests

[docs] class RTEZipFileDownloader: """Provide the functionality to download and unzip a zip file from RTE. If the file is already downloaded, a cache mechanism is used to avoid downloading it again. """ cache_validation_time = "1h" # used to invalidate the cache after 1 hour def __init__(self, url, filename_zip, filename_xls, prefix="/tmp/rte", cache_validation_time = "1h"): self.url = url self.prefix = Path(prefix) self.filename_zip = self.prefix / filename_zip self.filename_xls = self.prefix / filename_xls self.cache_validation_time = cache_validation_time
[docs] def download(self): """Download the zip file if not already downloaded.""" if self.filename_xls.exists(): time = self.filename_xls.stat().st_mtime time = pd.Timestamp(time, unit="s") now = pd.Timestamp("now") if time + pd.Timedelta(self.cache_validation_time) > now: return self.filename_zip.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) response = requests.get(self.url) response.raise_for_status() with open(self.filename_zip, "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) self.unzip() return
[docs] def unzip(self): """unzip the downloaded zip file.""" import zipfile with zipfile.ZipFile(self.filename_zip, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(self.prefix) os.remove(self.filename_zip) return
[docs] class TempoCalendarDownloader(RTEZipFileDownloader): """Download the Tempo Calendar from RTE.""" def __init__(self, start_year=2014, end_year=2024, prefix="/tmp/rte/tempo"): start_year_last_digit = str(start_year)[2:] end_year_last_digit = str(end_year)[2:] url = f"{start_year_last_digit}-{end_year_last_digit}" filename_zip = f"eCO2mix_RTE_tempo_{start_year}-{end_year}.zip" filename_xls = f"eCO2mix_RTE_tempo_{start_year}-{end_year}.xls" super().__init__(url, filename_zip=filename_zip, filename_xls=filename_xls, prefix=prefix, cache_validation_time="1D", )
[docs] def read_file(self): df = pd.read_csv( self.filename_xls, sep="\t", skipfooter=1, engine="python", parse_dates=["Date"], index_col="Date", dtype="category", ) df.rename(columns={"Type de jour TEMPO": "tempo_type"}, inplace=True) return df
[docs] class ECO2MixDownloader(RTEZipFileDownloader): empty_column = [" Stockage batterie", "Déstockage batterie", "Eolien terrestre", "Eolien offshore"] def __init__(self, year, prefix="/tmp/rte/eco2mix"): current_year = pd.Timestamp("now").year last_year = current_year - 1 if year < last_year: filename_zip = f"eCO2mix_RTE_Annuel-Definitif_{year}.zip" filename_xls = f"eCO2mix_RTE_Annuel-Definitif_{year}.xls" cache_validation_time = "356d" elif year == last_year: filename_zip = "" filename_xls = "eCO2mix_RTE_En-cours-Consolide.xls" cache_validation_time = "30d" elif year == current_year: filename_zip = "" filename_xls = "eCO2mix_RTE_En-cours-TR.xls" cache_validation_time = "1h" else: raise ValueError("Year must be in the past or current year") url = f"{filename_zip}" super().__init__(url, filename_zip=filename_zip, filename_xls=filename_xls, prefix=prefix, cache_validation_time=cache_validation_time,)
[docs] def read_file(self): skipfooter = 1 if == "eCO2mix_RTE_En-cours-TR.xls": skipfooter = 2 data = pd.read_csv(self.filename_xls, index_col=False, skipfooter=skipfooter, engine="python", sep="\t", encoding="latin1", usecols=lambda x: x not in self.empty_column, ) data["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(data["Date"], format="%Y-%m-%d") data["Heures"] = pd.to_timedelta(data["Heures"] + ":00") data["time"] = data["Date"] + data["Heures"] return data.set_index("time")
if __name__ == "__main__": r = ECO2MixDownloader(year=2024) data = r.read_file() print(data.head())